The year 2019 will be marked by the taking office of the new President of the Republic of Madagascar, but also the holding of the legislative and the communal elections. The political, economic and social challenges of these events are very important to the effectiveness of the public budget compared to the development process and the fight against poverty. Indeed, the state budget is a strategic instrument for implementing strategies and policies in this regards.
For this post-election year, priorities transcribed in the 2019 budget are moving forward towards actions to improve the lives of the population, whether in the areas of large infrastructure, good governance, strengthening of security goods and people, and the improvement of access to basic social services ...
During the review of the Finance Act project 2019 by the National Assembly and the Senate, some amendments have been the subject of disagreement between the two chambers, it did not lead to a consensus during the budgetary session. Thus, unusually for this fiscal year 2019, the Finance act was legislated by Order for that the State can have Finance act at the beginning of the year 2019, in order to manage the budget which is determined.
The Citizens’ budget relating to the Order on the Finance act 2019 intends to inform the population on the key tax measures as well as the public expenditure guidelines, but also the macroeconomic and budgetary framework which was developed the budget. This is to ensure transparency in the process of preparation of the budget, but also every citizen feel concerned and responsible for the issues related to the budget.
Our thanks go to all departments, person resources, the UNICEF Madagascar for their collaboration and all support of far or close for publication of this document.