The State budget is an essential instru ment of economic policy for fnancing the development strategies includedin National Development Plan (NDP). The stability of public policies, supported by the different sectoral policies as well as the multi-year budgetary framework, makes it possible to reinforce the achievement of these development objectives.
For this purpose, accountability to citizens is relevant to report the use of public funds and, ultimately, promoting fnancial governance. The Directorate General for the Budget is pursuing its efforts to strengthen budget transparency and citizen’s participation to the budget process. The Citizens Budget is an excellent way to immerse the public to understanding and apprehending the budget process.
Thus, this eighth edition is a concise report of the main lines of the 2018 Amended Finance Act including the updates of the macroeconomic and budgetary realizations and perspectives. The modifcations on the fscal measures, the main orientations of the public expenditure, the sector priorities in terms of Public Investment Program, etc ... The drawing up of citizen’s budget has taken into account all remarks and observations from all sides to better reflect all the solicitations of the citizens in terms of budget information.
So, we encourage citizens to take part to the dissemination of this document as widely as possible. We also thank UNICEF Madagascar for its technical and fnancial assistance from the drawing up to dissemination of this document.